Whine - definitie. Wat is Whine
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Wat (wie) is Whine - definitie

Whine (album)

(whines, whining, whined)
If something or someone whines, they make a long, high-pitched noise, especially one which sounds sad or unpleasant.
He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background...
The engines whined.
Whine is also a noun.
...the whine of air-raid sirens.
N-COUNT: usu sing
If you say that someone is whining, you mean that they are complaining in an annoying way about something unimportant.
They come to me to whine about their troubles.
...children who whine that they are bored...
'Why can't you tell me?' I whined...
VERB: V about n/-ing, V that, V with quote [disapproval]
·noun A plaintive tone; the nasal, childish tone of mean complaint; mean or affected complaint.
II. Whine ·vt To utter or express plaintively, or in a mean, unmanly way; as, to whine out an Excuse.
III. Whine ·vi To utter a plaintive cry, as some animals; to moan with a childish noise; to complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, or the like, in a plaintive, nasal tone; hence, to complain or to beg in a mean, unmanly way; to moan basely.
I. v. n.
Cry (plaintively), moan (in a childish way).
Complain meanly, grumble.
II. n.
Plaintive tone.
Mean or affected complaint.



Whine is a live album by Scorn, released on October 21, 1997, through Invisible Records.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Whine
1. don't whine.
52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom _ Meg Akabas _ Talks at Google
2. I whine a lot.
Amber Interiors Design _ Amber Lewis _ Talks at Google
3. just whine about it.
52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom _ Meg Akabas _ Talks at Google
4. and whinge or whine.
Creating Room to Read _ John Wood _ Talks at Google
5. he'll whine like he's uncomfortable.
A Shrink for My Pet _ Jim Lessenberry _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Whine
1. We have heard them whine about the work/life balance.
2. EST), he furnishes the quavery whine of slothful teen Chris.
3. They‘ll sit there and they‘ll whine and they‘ll take their shot at Jesus.
4. "The twins constantly whine and have tantrums if they don‘t get their own way.
5. Entitled, ‘Australia Whine‘ it reads: "New special edition Australian Whine – a subtle blend of power and a good kick which gives a slightly unexpected result and a very bitter aftertaste.